Muka Hadapan (Utusan Malaysia : 01JUN2007)
SC sekat laman web pelaburan Internet tidak sah mulai 11 Jun
KUALA LUMPUR 31 Mei – Selepas memberi amaran berulang kali, Suruhanjaya Sekuriti (SC) hari ini bertegas dengan memberi kata dua kepada semua pelabur skim yang tidak sah melalui Internet supaya mengeluarkan wang pelaburan sebelum 11 Jun ini.
Jika tidak, bermula dari tarikh tersebut, akses ke laman-laman web tempatan dan asing yang mempromosikan skim pelaburan secara dalam talian yang tidak pasti kesahihannya itu akan disekat.
Ini bermaksud para pelabur yang masih tidak mengeluarkan wang mereka bukan saja tidak akan dapat lagi mengakses laman-laman web itu malah tidak lagi dapat memasuki akaun mereka bagi melakukan sebarang urus niaga.
Setakat ini, laman web SC masih memaparkan senarai amaran mengandungi 45 laman web dan 15 syarikat yang dikesan menjalankan aktiviti pasaran modal dan sekuriti tanpa kelulusan suruhanjaya itu.
Dalam kenyataannya hari ini, SC memberitahu, tindakan tegas menyekat laman-laman web itu akan dilakukan dengan kerjasama Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (MCMC) dan Pusat Keselamatan Siber Malaysia (CyberSecurities).
Menurutnya, ketiga-tiga pihak bekerjasama menjejak, mengenal pasti dan menyekat akses ke laman-laman web berkenaan.
Pada 12 April lalu, Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan pada persidangan di Kuala Terengganu membuat ketetapan bahawa semua pelaburan di Internet, termasuk SwissCash yang menjanjikan faedah atau pulangan tetap sebagai haram kerana berunsur riba.
Keputusan majlis itu memberi kesan kepada aktiviti pelaburan melibatkan tidak kurang 500,000 orang Islam termasuk golongan kenamaan dan profesional berpangkat Tan Sri dan Datuk.
Nilai pelaburan keseluruhan dalam skim melalui Internet itu dianggar mencecah RM1 bilion.
Sehubungan itu, bagi memastikan para pelabur dilindungi undang-undang sekuriti, orang ramai yang ingin terus membuat pelaburan dinasihatkan supaya hanya melabur dengan pihak yang mempunyai lesen dikeluarkan SC.
Senarai syarikat dan individu yang dilesenkan oleh SC dan senarai amaran boleh diketahui menerusi laman web suruhanjaya itu
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
What Warren Buffet (The Second Richest Man Worldwide) Says ???
There was a one hour interview on CNBC with Warren Buffet, the secondrichest man who has donated $31 billion to charity. Here are some very interesting aspects of his life:
1. He bought his first share at age 11 and he now regrets that he started too late!
2. He bought a small farm at age 14 with savings from delivering newspapers.
3. He still lives in the same small 3-bedroom house in mid-town Omaha , that he bought after
he got married 50 years ago. He says that he has everything he needs in that house. His
house does not have a wall or a fence.
4. He drives his own car everywhere and does not have a driver or security people around him. 5. He never travels by private jet, although he owns the world's largest private jet company.
6. His company, Berkshire Hathaway, owns 63 companies. He writes only one letter each year
to the CEOs of these companies, giving them goals for the year. He never holds meetings or
calls them on a regular basis.
He has given his CEO's only two rules.
Rule number 1: do not lose any of your share holder's money.
Rule number 2: Do not forget rule number 1.
7. He does not socialize with the high society crowd. His past time after he gets home is to
make himself some pop corn and watch Television.
8. Bill Gates, the world's richest man met him for the first time only 5 years ago. Bill Gates did
not think he had anything in common with Warren Buffet. So he had scheduled his meeting
only for half hour. But when Gates met him, the meeting lasted for ten hours and Bill
Gates became a devotee of Warren Buffet.
9. Warren Buffet does not carry a cell phone, nor has a computer on his desk.
His advice to young people: "Stay away from credit cards and invest in yourself and
A. Money doesn't create man but it is the man who created money.
B. Live your life as simple as you are.
C. Don't do what others say, just listen them, but do what you feel good.
D. Don't go on brand name; just wear those things in which u feel comfortable.
E. Don't waste your money on unnecessary things; just spend on them who really in need
F. After all it's your life then why give chance to others to rule our life."
1. He bought his first share at age 11 and he now regrets that he started too late!
2. He bought a small farm at age 14 with savings from delivering newspapers.
3. He still lives in the same small 3-bedroom house in mid-town Omaha , that he bought after
he got married 50 years ago. He says that he has everything he needs in that house. His
house does not have a wall or a fence.
4. He drives his own car everywhere and does not have a driver or security people around him. 5. He never travels by private jet, although he owns the world's largest private jet company.
6. His company, Berkshire Hathaway, owns 63 companies. He writes only one letter each year
to the CEOs of these companies, giving them goals for the year. He never holds meetings or
calls them on a regular basis.
He has given his CEO's only two rules.
Rule number 1: do not lose any of your share holder's money.
Rule number 2: Do not forget rule number 1.
7. He does not socialize with the high society crowd. His past time after he gets home is to
make himself some pop corn and watch Television.
8. Bill Gates, the world's richest man met him for the first time only 5 years ago. Bill Gates did
not think he had anything in common with Warren Buffet. So he had scheduled his meeting
only for half hour. But when Gates met him, the meeting lasted for ten hours and Bill
Gates became a devotee of Warren Buffet.
9. Warren Buffet does not carry a cell phone, nor has a computer on his desk.
His advice to young people: "Stay away from credit cards and invest in yourself and
A. Money doesn't create man but it is the man who created money.
B. Live your life as simple as you are.
C. Don't do what others say, just listen them, but do what you feel good.
D. Don't go on brand name; just wear those things in which u feel comfortable.
E. Don't waste your money on unnecessary things; just spend on them who really in need
F. After all it's your life then why give chance to others to rule our life."
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Cabaran Kita
Kehidupan melanda kita pada kelajuan peluru, Namun, is juga membawa peluang-peluang yang menakjubkan untuk mereka yang mampu menyahut cabaran.
Cabarannya ialah - menjadi lebih baik pada kadar lebih cepat.
Era baru menuntut respon lebih laju. Penyesuain serta merta. Hasil cepat. Lebih-lebih lagi, era ini menuntut peningkatan diri pada kadar yang sekurang-kurangnya dapat menandingi kadar perubahan. Kadar perubahan kini semakin laju.
Kita mesti meningkatkan penyesuain diri kepada kekerapan anjakan karier dan peranan baru kerja kita. Kita mesti punyai satu formula yang dapat membantu kita memanfaatkan potensi terpendam kita. Kita mesti tahu cara membuat sumbangan yang memberi hasil ketara. Hanya dengan mengubah cara kita mengerahkan diri, barulah dapat kita menunjukkan hasil yang dituntut oleh masa kini.
Kemahiran yang telah menghasilkan kejayaan tahun lepas, mungkin tidak releven lagi esok. Pendidikan yang kita anggap sudah "selesai" tidak dapat menjamin karier kita lagi. Asas pengalaman yang luas juga tidak begitu memberi jaminan, kerana ia cepat ketinggalan zaman.
Kita tahu, kita perkan lebih.
Situasi ini menuntut satu strategi yang mapan. Kita perlukan satu kaedah untuk mengerakkan diri agar dapat menandingi isyarat-isyarat karier yang kita hadapi.
Rahsianya ialah Peningkatan Laju peribadi ... satu rutin yang sengaja, disiplin ... yang menghasilkan "Prestasi" dramatik.
Jumpa lagi !!!!
Ahmad Shah
012 4771676
Cabarannya ialah - menjadi lebih baik pada kadar lebih cepat.
Era baru menuntut respon lebih laju. Penyesuain serta merta. Hasil cepat. Lebih-lebih lagi, era ini menuntut peningkatan diri pada kadar yang sekurang-kurangnya dapat menandingi kadar perubahan. Kadar perubahan kini semakin laju.
Kita mesti meningkatkan penyesuain diri kepada kekerapan anjakan karier dan peranan baru kerja kita. Kita mesti punyai satu formula yang dapat membantu kita memanfaatkan potensi terpendam kita. Kita mesti tahu cara membuat sumbangan yang memberi hasil ketara. Hanya dengan mengubah cara kita mengerahkan diri, barulah dapat kita menunjukkan hasil yang dituntut oleh masa kini.
Kemahiran yang telah menghasilkan kejayaan tahun lepas, mungkin tidak releven lagi esok. Pendidikan yang kita anggap sudah "selesai" tidak dapat menjamin karier kita lagi. Asas pengalaman yang luas juga tidak begitu memberi jaminan, kerana ia cepat ketinggalan zaman.
Kita tahu, kita perkan lebih.
Situasi ini menuntut satu strategi yang mapan. Kita perlukan satu kaedah untuk mengerakkan diri agar dapat menandingi isyarat-isyarat karier yang kita hadapi.
Rahsianya ialah Peningkatan Laju peribadi ... satu rutin yang sengaja, disiplin ... yang menghasilkan "Prestasi" dramatik.
Jumpa lagi !!!!
Ahmad Shah
012 4771676
New Venture & Expension of Business .. Emmmm ... smell good
Its us again !!!! Just discovered a new product "2U" .... hurry up .. its very very cheap ...
Welcome to the beautiful world of Le Rêve.
Discover the Le Rêve dream ... a dream you can share; a dream that will take you further than you ever imagined.
A dream that is real.
Indulge your senses... explore our exquisite range of Fine Fragrances, sensual Aromatherapy and superb Skincare collections.
Pamper yourself... shop with friends in the cosy, relaxed atmosphere of home. Or create a social occasion by hosting a party of your own.
Reap fabulous rewards... simply by introducing others to Le Rêve's exceptional products you can open the door to financial freedom; to a luxurious new existence that gives you time to enjoy the most precious things in life.
Le Rêve ... dream products, dream opportunities.
Welcome to the beautiful world of Le Rêve.
Discover the Le Rêve dream ... a dream you can share; a dream that will take you further than you ever imagined.
A dream that is real.
Indulge your senses... explore our exquisite range of Fine Fragrances, sensual Aromatherapy and superb Skincare collections.
Pamper yourself... shop with friends in the cosy, relaxed atmosphere of home. Or create a social occasion by hosting a party of your own.
Reap fabulous rewards... simply by introducing others to Le Rêve's exceptional products you can open the door to financial freedom; to a luxurious new existence that gives you time to enjoy the most precious things in life.
Le Rêve ... dream products, dream opportunities.
Friday, May 4, 2007
Started with small support towards General Insurance - Renewal or Roadtax/Insurance in 2003 under Takaful Nasional wings and continue to serve all the valuable customers until todate. Finally, we have opened our own office in Taman Desa Murni, Sungai Dua Butterworth (MPSP Business Complex) to cater all the assisting and future customers.
At the same time, NSP has started to promote Public Mutual Berhad (A Subsidiary of Public Bank Berhad) Unit Trust in year 2005 and expended their product into MAA (Malaysian Assusrance Alliance) to promote LIFE Insurance to all the potential customers.
Its good to have product solutions to our valuable customers and this will be certainly appreciated by them .. InsyaAllah.
You may contact us at:
Office : Tel # 04 3563550 ; Fax# 04 3563558
Mobile : 019 4150500 - Salina (CEO) ;
Mobile : 012 4771676 - Ahmad Shah (Advisor) ;
Our address are as follows:
NS Perfect Enterprise
Ruang Niaga 27, Jalan Murni
Kompleks Perniagaan, Taman Desa Murni
Butterworth 13800
Penang, Malaysia
At the same time, NSP has started to promote Public Mutual Berhad (A Subsidiary of Public Bank Berhad) Unit Trust in year 2005 and expended their product into MAA (Malaysian Assusrance Alliance) to promote LIFE Insurance to all the potential customers.
Its good to have product solutions to our valuable customers and this will be certainly appreciated by them .. InsyaAllah.
You may contact us at:
Office : Tel # 04 3563550 ; Fax# 04 3563558
Mobile : 019 4150500 - Salina (CEO) ;
Mobile : 012 4771676 - Ahmad Shah (Advisor) ;
Our address are as follows:
NS Perfect Enterprise
Ruang Niaga 27, Jalan Murni
Kompleks Perniagaan, Taman Desa Murni
Butterworth 13800
Penang, Malaysia
Roadtax & Insurance Renewal ??? We can assist you
You can call us at anytime, anywhere & we will difinitely be there for you. TAKAFUL NASIONAL has entrusted us to acting on behlf of them to become an solid consultant to do their jobs on behalf. With MUDHARABAH scheme, our Muslims fellow will have no doubts to participate.
Call us at 04 3563550 !!! Ahmad Shah or Salina (Cory) - 019 4150500
Call us at 04 3563550 !!! Ahmad Shah or Salina (Cory) - 019 4150500
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